About The Author

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Hey there. I am Chilepanda, as you may have already noticed. You could say I'm not your average girl. I tend to be hyper, and sometimes vague. But I believe myself to be funny and kind. I'm always willing to listen. I currently have two dogs named Lalovee and Marley, and two cats named Thunder and Amber. I ABSOLUTELY love animals, with an unusual passion. Especially pandas. Anywho, I am a rather friendly person, and am always there for my friends. However, I can be shy a lot of the time. That's about it!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapter One

It had been quite a few moons since Brightclan moved into their new territory. Things were going very smoothly. Prey was bountiful, the mountain stream always flowed, and two new batches of kits had been born. Nightbird was stalking a muskrat from behind a rock, down on the floor of the canyon. Sunstar had run into a rouge, who told him this place  was called Bryce Canyon. The rouge ended up joining as an elder. Nightbird's green eyes gleamed with anticipation, watching the juicy piece of prey sit up to eat a seed it had found. Nightbird slowly advanced towards the creature, each paw placed expertly in front of the other without a sound.

Skilled as she was, it was even easier to hunt in the canyon, where there were hardly any plants or twigs to give you away. After hesitating for awhile to make sure the muskrat stayed in place, she made the final leap, swiftly killing they prey by hooking it into the air and biting onto it's neck. Nightbird turned with the prey in her mouth, then went back to where she had hidden the rest. When she got there, she saw tabby tom sniffing around there."What are you doing!?" She hissed furiously, fur raised.

The tom looked up in surprise."Oh! Is this yours?" He asked, backing away."What did you think?" Night bird quickly grabbed he muskrat and bounded over to defend her prey."Sorry, but you shouldn't leave your prey laying around like that. Someone may take it." The tom dipped his head while Nightbird gathered up her prey."What's it to you?" She asked in a muffled voice through her prey. She then whipped around and starting leaping up the canyon to camp."Where you going?" He asked, following her up. When Nightbird reached the ledge outside of camp, she stopped and dropped her prey."I'm going back to camp to feed my clan." She said curtly to the tom.

"I'm Fox by the way." He purred in a friendly manner. Nightbird eyed him strangely."You must be a rouge." She scoffed."I'm Nightbird, deputy of Brightclan." Fox's eyes widened."Wow, your clan moved here? Cool! Maybe I could meet them?" Nightbird laughed, shaking her head."No way, my clan doesn't take kindly to rouges. Bye." Before Fox could say anything else, Nightbird picked up her prey once more a squeezed through the tunnel into camp.

"Nice hunt." Doveflight purred from the elders den as Nightbird deposited her catch on the fresh-kill pile. Nightbird smiled at her."Thanks." She then padded to the stream, lapping up some cool water. She shook out her pelt, looking around. You would have never guessed that this clan had to go through a fire and a long, dreary travel. Everything was going so well. Nightbird stood up once again and went to Sunstar's den."Sunstar?" She called into the dark den."Oh, come in Nightbird." He purred. He slipped in, letting the top of the entrance rub her back."I was just wondering if you wanted me to organize any border patrols." Sunstar purred again."Nightbird, always doing her job." He smiled."Sure, set down the boundaries." Nightbird nodded and quickly exited the den.

Nightbird looked around the clearing once more."Whirlwind, Blacksun, join me on a patrol." She called, heading towards the entrance. The two warriors followed her swiftly, slipped into the tunnel once by one. As soon as they all emerged, Nightbird felt her companions tense. Fox was still there."Hey, Nightbird!" He purred, padding over. Nightbird hissed."I told you to go, our clan  doesn't take kindly to rouges." She spat at him. He just didn't get it, did he?"Well, why don't I join? I've heard so much about it, and I would like to." Nightbird looked the Whirlwind, her brother, for an opinion."You'd have to ask our leader, Sunstar." He said after a silent conversation.

Fox nodded and headed towards the entrance."Not yet!" Nightbird jumped in front of him."You will come with us on border patrol to set down our boundaries better, then we will take you to Sunstar." She said, glaring at him, her eyes a green-glass fire. Fox nodded with an idiotic smile on his face, then turned to follow the clan cats on their patrol. He pointed the best areas to claim territory, and to avoid most rouges. They eventually returned back on the ledge outside of camp."So, let's see Sunstar!" Fox smiled. The other three rolled their eyes."This way." Nightbird ordered as she slipped in.

They each came out, surrounding Fox in case he got an ideas."Sunstar?" Nightbird called in again, feeling silly that it was the second time today."We have someone who wants to join." She glanced at Fox."Send them in." Sunstar called back. Nightbird reeled on Fox."Go on, he called you." Fox nodded and padded into the den. She could see Whirlwind and Blacksun straining their ears."Scat you two!" She growled lightly, making them go. Eventually, Sunstar and Fox came out of the den, Sunstar leaping onto the BrightStone."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather around the BrightStone for a clan meeting!"

Of course, everybody did as he said."We have a new warrior joining us today. Please welcome Foxleap!" Everyone cheered as the tabby tom puffed out his chest pridefully. Nightbird scoffed at his pride."That's a weakness in character." She murmured under her breath, yet she couldn't help but laugh at his silly nature. She glanced at Sunstar, wondering why he had let Foxleap into the clan so easily.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Long ago, a lithe golden tabby watched his territory lapped up by hungry flames. Many cats crouched behind him in fear, kits cuddling into their mothers."What do we do, Sunstar?" A she-cat with fur as black as the midnight sky dipped her head from behind him."Nightbird," Sunstar turned to face her and the rest of the clan."We leave. This can no longer be our home. We leave now." Cats gasped, but nobody objected. Nightbird nodded, then pushed then pushed through the crowd to help lead the way. Sunstar followed her, his eyes the sparkling deep blue of the sun-drown place.

"I think it's time we rest." Nightbird laid her silky black tail on Sunstar's broad shoulder."The clan is tired." Sunstar hesitated, but then nodded and turned to address them."We may rest now." The clan sighed in unison, then laid down to rest. Sunstar took in his surroundings as he sat. They were currently in a craggy and narrow mountain path. Threatening, billowing black clouds hung overhead. They rumbled deeply, like a battle growl. Sunstar flattened his ears."Everyone, shelter under ledges. I think it's going to rain." They all obeyed without hesitation, having already noticed the menacing storm approaching.

Sunstar sat straight, watching the heavy rain pound down. His gaze hardly move, except for his occasional glance to Nightbird. He smiled as she helped shelter Honeydew's young kits. She smiled at them, flicking their small noses with her tail. He knew that she would always support him, with that deep friendship that they have had since kit-hood. Maybe it had grown to be even more? Sunstar shook the thought away. He had to focus on the clan. He eventually curled up, shielding his eyes with his tail. Sunstar breathed out his thoughts in one mighty sigh, then fell asleep.

The days dragged on. Despite the storm, the sun blazed down mercilessly upon Stormclan. All the water puddles were almost gone."Sunstar," Nightbird said, her voice slightly raspy from lack of water."Have you noticed? The rocks are such unusual colors." Sunstar heeded his deputies words, looking at the rocks around them. She was indeed right. The rocks were unusual mixes of orange, yellow, and red."I've never seen rocks like these before." He murmured, so that only Nightbird could hear him. She nodded in agreement. They continued on silently. But Newmoon's loud screech stopped them."Help!" She cried."Wrenkit is in danger!" Sunstar and Nightbird ran to where she directed.

"Woah!" They both skidded to a halt, sending pebbles falling over a cliff edge. Their eyes widened as the scene unfolded. After the cliff were hundreds of tree-lengths, full of strange yet beautiful formations. On the one closest to the cliff, was the young Wrenkit, clinging for his life. Nightbird jumped forward, without hesitating. She landed gracefully, quickly grabbing Wrenkit in her jaws, then leaped back. She set him down, watching him run to Newmoon while whimpering. But Nightbird turned her gaze back to the strange formations."I think we should go this way." She said after awhile."I could have sworn I saw a perfect shelter." Sunstar hesitated at this idea."Very well. But I want Whirlwind and Ivoryclaw to stay here with the elders, queens, and kits. If we find ideal shelter, we will come back for you."

They all nodded, and began leaping across with Sunstar in the lead. As they continued, the pillars got shorter and shorter. Eventually, Sunstar's bulky paws landed on a ledge. His eyes beheld a spacious, half dome sort of thing. In the back, he saw a small opening. With a flick of his tail, he, Nightbird, and the other warriors headed towards it. He squeezed in, finding it to be a tunnel. He slowly crawled down, relieved that the tunnel opened up more the farther he went. Suddenly, the tunnel started to slope upwards. He dug his claws into the ground to help elevate him. Sunstar's ginger head poked out of the top, revealing a wide, spacious clearing. The top was exposed, so the whole area was lit. He finally squeezed out, Nightbird right after him. She immediately bounded the the edge and bent over."Look!" She purred in excitement. Sunstar and the other went over curiously."It's a mountain stream!" She mewed happily, bending over once more and lapping some up.

"And it's so wonderfully cool!" She smiled. All the others tried it, quenching their thirst."This will suit us perfectly!" A warrior, Thunderfang, purred deeply. Sunstar nodded in agreement."It's settled. Let's go fetch the others." They all nodded. Sunstar assigned a few warriors to stay there, then the others squeezed back through the tunnel. They hopped back onto the formations, and back to where the rest of their clan-mates were waiting."We found the perfect shelter." Sunstar announced happily, making them all ecstatic."I'll help the elders get across." Nightbird volunteered. She purred at Doveflight and Oakflash, the two clan elders. The others helped carry kits across, guiding the queens along.

Sunstar waited in the clearing. His ears perked and Doveflight slipped into the clearing."Where are Nightbird and Oakflash?" He asked quickly. Doveflight purred."Hold your heart, lover tom. She's just helping Oakflash across the last gap." She smiled at him, heading to the stream. Sunstar blushed deeply under his fur."Right." He said quickly, turning his gaze back to the entrance. The last two finally entered. Sunstar smiled gratefully, then looked around. He found an ideal, large boulder, then pounced onto it in one might leap."Brightclan!" He called with a smile."We have found our new home. Thunderfang said he saw lots of mice and lizards on the way over. This place will provide us perfectly!" Everyone cheered, rested and no longer thirsty."Although it doesn't quite have the full open freedom like the forest, we will still prosper!" He continued, followed by another happy cheer."We shall now establish each of our dens."

He leaped down, padding to Silverstreak."How many herbs did you save?" He asked the gorgeous silver medicine cat."Quite a bit, actually. And I saw tons of herbs on the other side of the formations. I could easily gather more." Sunstar nodded in pleasure. Things were going to be okay after all. He glanced at Nightbird once again, and smiled. Brightclan would prosper once again!